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« Je veux que vous agissiez comme vous le feriez en situation de crise. Je veux que vous agissiez comme si la maison était en feu ; parce qu’elle est en feu » (Greta Thunberg à Davos, Janvier 2019)

Nous sommes des éducateurs et nous affirmons notre solidarité avec les étudiants en grève pour la justice climatique. Nous appelons tous nos collègues à travers le monde à répondre à la demande des étudiants. Nous devons agir dès à présent.

Les enfants et la jeunesse du monde entiers s’insurgent contre l’incapacité systématique à répondre à la crise climatique. En faisant le choix stratégique d’abandonner leurs salles de classe et d’organiser des manifestations, ils exigent des actions immédiates pour réduire les émissions carbones, ralentir le réchauffement climatique et combattre l’extinction de masse de nombreuses espèces.

Le secteur éducatif est aussi responsable de cette crise climatique. En dépit des efforts de la décennie des Nations Unies pour l’éducation  en faveur du développement durable, l’école et l’enseignement supérieur continuent à former une main d’œuvre contribuant à la croissance économique plutôt qu’au respect de l’environnement . Nous savons que les activités économiques dont les profits dépendent des énergies fossiles ont exacerbé le réchauffement et la crise climatique. Les scientifiques nous ont prévenus que la planète s’approche dangereusement d’un point de non-retour. Les étudiants sont pleinement conscients de la précarité de notre environnement et de l’incertitude qui plane sur leur futur.

Face aux preuves scientifiques de la gravité de la crise climatique, le secteur éducatif ne peut pas se contenter d’agir comme si de rien n’était. Nous devons radicalement repenser l’objectif de l’éducation, et adopter des changements responsables dans nos salles de classes et dans les disciplines académiques. Nous devons nous familiariser avec des domaines du savoir différents et en phase avec l’écologie ; nous devons former nos étudiants à la construction d’un futur juste et sûr pour l’environnement ; cultiver une conscience écologique sensible à l’interdépendance de tous les êtres vivants : et nous devons nous opposer aux inégalités mondiales qui poussent à une croissance économique irresponsable. Nous devons favoriser des modes d’apprentissage de la relation à l’environnement qui ne relèvent pas de l’exploitation, et pourront nous aider à rétablir et entretenir le vivant sur une planète Terre endommagée.

Nous faisons appel à tous les enseignant.e.s de tous les niveaux à nous rejoindre, en :


  • Apportant leur soutien aux demandes des étudiants pour une action immédiate de réduction des émissions carbones et de restauration de l’habitabilité de notre planète.
  • Transformant nos pédagogies et nos programmes afin de les rendre plus. responsables et sensibles à l’écologie
  • Réalignant nos programmes et pratiques de recherches afin d’aborder la crise. climatique et les autres défis écologiques.
  • Reformulant nos politiques éducatives et nos cadres pédagogiques afin de favoriser la justice intergénérationnelle et environnementale plutôt que la croissance économique et le développement irresponsable.
  • Exprimant nos inquiétudes sur ces questions auprès de nos collègues, des parents, des étudiants, des localités, des syndicats, des organisations professionnelles et des décideurs politiques.

Aux étudiants en grève, nous disons : « Nous sommes avec vous. Nous savons que la maison est en feu. C’est urgent. Notre futur est jeu. Nous prendrons des mesures éducatives pour la justice climatique. »


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1,917 signatures

*This Call to Action is signed by individuals and does not represent the views of their employers.

Latest Signatures
1,917 Christine MacLeod-Vint Cape Breton University
1,916 Catalina Cortes Arizona State University
1,915 Carrie Karsgaard Cape Breton University
1,914 Jami Carmichael Arizona State University
1,913 Demon Foster Blue Owl
1,912 Charlotte Simunek CY Cergy Paris Université
1,911 Johannes Kok
1,910 Lars Amundsen
1,909 Gigi Shanks TDSB
1,908 Sarah Pickens University of Maryland
1,907 Melanie Lenehan Fircroft College
1,906 N'guettia Simon Pierre KOBENAN TEACH Cote d'Ivoire
1,905 Eileen Bianamara Edwin Pratt Early Learning Center
1,904 Laísa Maria Freire dos Santos Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
1,903 Ana María Herrera Melin PUCV Valparaíso
1,902 Ximena Carrasco PUCV Valparaíso
1,901 Tara Bartlett Arizona State University
1,900 Jonathan Pitts
1,899 Deborah Hill School Sydney Australia
1,898 Bilkis Begum Bristol
1,897 Kim Davies Deakin University
1,896 LING JIANG University of Bristol
1,895 Reuben Tomlinson University of Bristol
1,894 Alejandro Almeciga IED Mariano Ospina Rodríguez Guasca Cundinamarca
1,893 Isabell Schnalle
1,892 Johanna Helin OISE, UofToronto
1,891 Greg Cluster Oakland Unified School District
1,890 Annika Nicklinson Roehampton University
1,889 Tenzin Namkha Roehamption University
1,888 Jennifer LeBlanc Quispamsis Elementary School
1,887 Sonia Stitt Education Queensland
1,886 ruben salazar mclennan community college
1,885 Megan Hennessy
1,884 Larry White Unicaf University
1,883 Alicia Flynn University of Melbourne
1,882 Tineke Kroon
1,881 Melanie Maslin Baby Love Music Fun
1,880 Rebecca Claire Deakin University
1,879 Alma Fleet Macquarie University
1,878 Robyn Moore School
1,877 Sian Cowman University College Dublin / Independent Educator
1,876 Irving Epstein Illinois Wesleyan University
1,875 InJung Cho
1,874 Michael Schlaile Cusanus Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung
1,873 Bryant Hand Las Manos de Christine
1,872 Erin Walcon University of Exeter/Doorstep Arts
1,871 Sally Windsor Education faculty Gothenburg University
1,870 Jeremie Gilbert University of Roehampton
1,869 Susan BAILEY ECU
1,868 Anne Snick Club of Rome-EU
1,867 Simon Boxley University of Winchester
1,866 Diego Posada University of Glasgow
1,865 Lucy Hopkins Edith Cowan University
1,864 Penny Lawrence The University of Roehampton
1,863 Sunday Harrison Green Thumbs Growing Kids
1,862 JD Parker University of Hawaii
1,861 Jordi Castellví Mata Universidad Internacional de la Rioja
1,860 Carly Manion OISE, University of Toronto
1,859 Todd Gerardot
1,858 Lily Petkovska University of Canberra
1,857 Caitlin Foster
1,856 Yvan Gelbard GWU
1,855 Ananda Casanova Lumiar School
1,854 Victoria Jupp Kina
1,853 Sofia Shan University of Edinburgh
1,852 Tony Robertson University of Stirling
1,851 Jordan Lewis Mathes University of Gothenburg
1,850 Ellie Justice
1,849 Terry Kelly Seneca College
1,848 Hannah Chandler ASB
1,847 Erin Moulton
1,846 Angela Molloy Murphy University of Melbourne
1,845 Mark Langdon University of Strathclyde
1,844 Ilona Fjodorova Daugavpils University
1,843 Inga Belousa Green Liberty
1,842 Ben Scherrer University of Massachusetts Amherst
1,841 Kelly-Ann MacAlpine Western University
1,840 Cem Demirayak Istanbul Bilgi University Child Studies Unit
1,839 Tümay Algan Ferrara Sabot at Stony Point
1,838 Morgan Myers
1,837 Nuala Murphy Colaiste na hInse
1,836 andrea nicholls mrs
1,835 Andrea Duxbury Primary School
1,834 Brian Davies London South Bank University
1,833 Rhea Scott University of Victoria Child Care Services
1,832 Amber Goforth University of Victoria Child Care Services
1,831 Donna Bieker University of Victoria Child Care Services
1,830 James Venn Dunrankin Drive Public School, PDSB
1,829 Roger Grande Brookline High School
1,828 Danielle Denichaud Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
1,827 Tania Saeed Lahore University of Management Sciences
1,826 Jimin Kim Capilano University in Canada
1,825 Catherine Hamm La Trobe University
1,824 Eric Hartman Haverford College
1,823 Laurie Kocher Capilanou University
1,822 Anett Kádár MTA-SZTE Research Group on Geography Teaching and Learning
1,821 Kelly Bezan Glenpool Public Schools
1,820 Jorge Alberto Escandón UNAM
1,819 Michael Gibbons American University
1,818 Carol Anne Spreen New York University
1,817 Jorge Baxter University of los Andes
1,816 Angel Cheng Lehigh University
1,815 Swetal Sindhvad i3Development
1,814 Lina María Valencia Salazar Universidad EAFIT
1,813 David Archer ActionAid
1,812 Noé Abraham González Nieto Tecnológico de Monterrey
1,811 Perrine Arsendeau UPJV
1,810 Hadiya Usman Orji Estates Nursery and Primary School
1,809 Moein Farahnak Kyushu University
1,808 Neelima Jerath Pushpa Gujral Science City, Deptt of Science, Technology and Environment, Govt of Punjab
1,807 Anett Domiter
1,806 Rachel Bos Queensland Teachers Union
1,805 Maria Acosta Colegio Altair
1,804 José Chávez Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
1,803 Tore Bernt Sorensen UC Louvain
1,802 Hanah McFarlane CELC
1,801 Burcu Meltem ARIK AKYUZ Education Reform Initiative
1,800 Payal Shah University of South Carolina
1,799 Suzanne Burwell Halton DSB
1,798 Molly Bancroft University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
1,797 Diego Posada University of Glasgow
1,796 Wendy Wakefield Arizona State University
1,795 Carlie Trott University of Cincinnati
1,794 Andrea Weinberg Arizona State University
1,793 Sarah Lowes Halton District School Board
1,792 David Sands University of Bristol
1,791 Herman Meyer LEAP Schools
1,790 Arwyn Carpenter Perth Avenue Public School
1,789 Anca Icsarescu N/A
1,788 Nisha Thapliyal University of Newcastle
1,787 Tanya Farzaneh Seneca
1,786 Vladimir Ortiz Bustamante Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
1,785 Fabiola Hidalgo San Silvestre School
1,784 Giovanna Del Gobbo Università di Firenze
1,783 Cécile Bouziat UNI FRIBOURG
1,782 Emily Whiteley Bents Green School
1,781 Yingxue Yang The University of Tokyo
1,780 Regina Steiner Pedagogical University of Upper Austria
1,779 Kathleen Grzybowski The Bishop Strachan School
1,778 Ivan Nguyen Humber College
1,777 Nelli Piattoeva Tampere university
1,776 Bella MacDiarmid
1,775 Felisa Tibbitts Teachers College of Columbia University
1,774 Colin Power University of Queensland
1,773 ლელა იოსავა Ilia State University
1,772 Vibeke Vågenes Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
1,771 Linda Rögnvaldsdottir Oddeyrarskóli
1,770 Samira Gutmann Sekundarschule
1,769 Elizabeth Macedo State University of Rio de Janeiro
1,768 Vafa Yunusova ADA University
1,767 Simon Kavanagh Kaospilot
1,766 Kirsten Sivesind University of Oslo
1,765 Shamekh Alsmarat MOE
1,764 Ferenc Mónus Nyíregyházi Egyetem
1,763 Meg Gardinier Indiana Tech
1,762 Marcelo GIGLIO HEP BJN
1,761 Urs Plüss Schulzentrum Rebacker
1,760 Richa Sharma Univ of Cambridge
1,759 Elena Albarran Miami University
1,758 Camila Rosa University of Tampere
1,757 Tannia Ríos Primary school
1,756 Stephanie Künzler Sekundarschule
1,755 Syd Smith
1,754 Claude Stadler Sekundarschule Kreis Marthalen (SKM)
1,753 Dorothee Jenny Woodtli Frau
1,752 Sharad Gupta Delhi School of Business
1,751 Louise Chawla University of Colorado Boulder
1,750 Rolf Glaus SEK I Grenchen
1,749 Emmanuel Kolb Schule Elsau-Schlatt, Oberstufe
1,748 Peter Schenk Schule Elsau-Schlatt, Oberstufe
1,747 Veronique Joukes UTAD
1,746 Franziska Frauenfelder Sekundarschule Marthalen
1,745 Naira Muylaert PUC-Rio
1,744 Anna Sparrman Department of Thematic Studies - Child Studies
1,743 Kathleen Goerner KDP
1,742 Elena Lioubimtseva Grand Valley State University
1,741 Helena Hinke Dobrochinski Candido University of Helsinki
1,740 kapish Sanga VIT
1,739 Jan Arend Brands
1,738 Euan Auld The Education University of Hong Kong
1,737 Sangeeta Kamat UMASS Amherst
1,736 Marianne Landtwing PH Luzern
1,735 Ifrah Ahmed Erasmus Mundus Joint Program
1,734 Martin Eriksson Chalmers University of Technology
1,733 Adam Cornwell Lakehead University
1,732 Audrey Amrein-Beardsley Arizona State University
1,731 Csirkés Borcsa
1,730 Oddný Sturludóttir
1,729 András Victor Hung. Society for Environmental Education
1,728 Fulvio Fiorentini Italia Nostra Onlus
1,727 A.N.G.E.V. - Associazione Nazionale Guardie Ecologiche Volontarie Sede Operativa A.N.G.E.V. - Associazione Nazionale Guardie Ecologiche Volontarie
1,726 Italia Nostra Onlus Sezione di Viterbo Italia Nostra Onlus
1,725 Karina Lopes PUC-Rio
1,724 Katharina Müller
1,723 Daniel Schugurensky Arizona State University
1,722 Susanna Komenda-Zehnder
1,721 Giorgio Vacchiano University of Milan
1,720 Maria Teresa Machado Vilaça University of Minho
1,719 Mary Drake-Young Northcentral University
1,718 Angelica Merk-Serrano
1,717 Thomas Hohn
1,716 Ninni Sandvik Østfold university college
1,715 Jason Johnston University of Kentucky
1,714 Stefano Alberghi Liceo TORRICELLI-BALLARDINI
1,713 Catherine Mentz Zentrum BNE, LPM Saarland
1,712 barbara pierro ASSOCIAZIONE chirom e...chi no
1,711 Peyton Leung TDSB
1,710 Ilze Mikelsone Liepaja University
1,709 Sigrid Hoveid Høgskolen i Østfold
1,708 Marit Honerød Hoveid Norwegian Univerity of Science and technology
1,707 Danesto Anacio University of the Philippines Manila
1,706 Hye-seon Kwon Dolma elementary school
1,705 Jan-Ole Brandt Leuphana University
1,704 Indra Odina University of Latvia
1,703 Pascal Frank Leuphana University Lüneburg
1,702 Bettina Vogt Linnaeus University
1,701 Ligita Grigule University of Latvia
1,700 Luigi Landolfi Maturita' commerciale
1,699 Max Steinbiß Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
1,698 Teresa Socha Lakehead University
1,697 Kathryn Herr Montclair State University
1,696 Bonnie Tulloch
1,695 Sungchae Moon Korea National University of Education
1,694 Morgan Myers University of Victoria
1,693 Karina Leung Agnes Scott College
1,692 Rolf Oberliesen Universität Bremen
1,691 JaeYoung Han Chungbuk National University
1,690 Carlene Bulas University of Victoria
1,689 hong pyo Jeon
1,688 Angie Simpson UVic
1,687 Gail Miller Berkeley College (retired)
1,686 Rebecca Ozbadem University of Victoria
1,685 In Ho Kim Shingu College
1,684 Denise Hodgins University of Victoria
1,683 Mariia Vitrukh ASU
1,682 Theres Konrad Leuphana University of Lüneburg
1,681 Maximilian Muhr University of Applied Arts Vienna
1,680 Robin Alexander Wolfson College, University of Cambridge
1,679 Valerie Hannon Innovation Unit
1,678 Heung-Tae Kim Seowon University
1,677 Belinda Gamlen University of Canberra
1,676 Seonghoa Cho Suwon Climate Change Education Center
1,675 ahyeon park bopyeong elementary school
1,674 Seong Hwan Min Korea Eco-club
1,673 Narda Nelson University of Victoria Child Care Services
1,672 Frederik Bub Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
1,671 Jihye Shin Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education
1,670 ok kim kongju national university
1,669 jungsu ahn chung chong buk-do nature study center
1,668 Jeff Share UCLA
1,667 Jane Yates Philosopher's Backpack training
1,666 Elisabetta Giovenali EDIT cooperativa sociale
1,665 JIWON LEE Korea National University of Education
1,664 Elise S. Houghton Environmental Education Ontario
1,663 Eunju Lee Korea National University of Education
1,662 Matteo Benevelli CEAS Terre Reggiane - Tresinaro Secchia
1,661 Gilles Renout LIS Bremen
1,659 Dugon Lee Korea National University of Education
1,658 Grace Lockrobin Ms
1,657 Eero Poijärvi Kilon koulu
1,656 Ulrike Semmler-Busch Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
1,655 Miseong Cho Environmental Education for All Institute
1,654 Sylvia Leske Leuphana Universität
1,653 Seyoung Hwang National youth policy Institute
1,652 kim moonok kwangduk environmental education center
1,651 Kim Daehee Sunchon National Univ.
1,650 Blanche Verlie RMIT University
1,649 Kew Cheol Shim Kongju National University
1,648 Mario Leombruno Edi Onlus
1,647 Donghoon Shin SNUE
1,646 Timo Beckmann Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
1,645 은주 이 서울대학교
1,644 Francesca Devoto Istituto Comprensivo Parco della Vittoria Roma
1,643 Lina Bürgener Leuphana University Lüneburg
1,642 HANBYEOL KANG Korea National University of Education
1,641 Sunhwa Kim Hanyang Univ.
1,640 Soocheol Cha Kwang environmental education center
1,639 Hyungson Ju KNOU
1,638 Celso João Carminati
1,637 Ilaria Cibelli
1,636 Julius Grund Institut Futur
1,635 Eetu Pikkarainen Univ. of Oulu
1,634 Felix Morissette University of Quebec in Montreal
1,633 Nicole Detrick International School of Indiana
1,632 Petra Teitscheid University of Applied Sciences Münster
1,631 Patrick Pfeuffer Pädagogische Hochschule Zug
1,630 Terhi Mäntylä Tampere University
1,629 Astrid Steele Nipissing University
1,628 Francesca Angeloro Nursery teacher
1,627 Marianna Canciani MIUR
1,626 Ilaria Venturelli IIS Cavazzi
1,625 Olivia Levrini University of Bologna
1,624 Salvatore Gandolfo San Paolo
1,623 SHONTAE Mills Grand Canyon University
1,622 David Wright Western Sydney University
1,621 karina Gimenez Universidad de San Andres
1,620 Agata Maddoli Itituto comprensivo Greve in Chianti
1,619 Maria Crista Colegiul National "Ana Aslan"
1,618 Mark Gomez CSUMB
1,617 Isabelle Anguelovski Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
1,616 Claudia Ceci University of Chieti-Pescara
1,615 Faouzia Rouissi Ministry of agriculture
1,614 Rebecca Deeley Ms.
1,613 Maria Teresa Dandolo Miur
1,612 Patrick Alexander Oxford
1,611 Szilvia Sáray
1,610 Anna Nardi ITE A. Fusinieri
1,609 sabine hoelkeskamp Sig.a
1,608 Andrea Verna EDI onlus
1,607 fatema tuj zuhra IIUC
1,606 Moritz Gubler University of Bern
1,605 stuart hill Western Sydney University
1,604 Rebecca Fish Ewan Tempe
1,603 Lorena Cardenas Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas
1,602 Candace Hunter Retired
1,601 Julie Regalado Western Sydney University
1,600 Michelle Trim University of the Southern Caribbean
1,599 Alessandra Fragale Educatrice ambientale di Legambiente CTTà FLEGREA ONLUS
1,598 Annette Sartor Western Sydney University
1,597 Günther Pfaffenwimmer retired
1,596 Brenda Dobia Western Sydney University
1,595 A.Lin Goodwin
1,594 Martina Lo Piano E.D.I. Onlus
1,593 Silvia Battini ITT "Marco Polo" FIrenze Scuola Superiore
1,592 Annunziata D'Orazio Sapienza Università di Roma
1,591 Francesca Romana d'Ambrosio Università degli Studi di Salerno
1,590 Rosalba Cusato Edi Onlus coop. Soc.
1,589 Andrea Prestinice Cooperativa Sociale Kroton Community
1,588 Christos Zografos Universitat Pompeu Fabra
1,587 Chantal Camilloni Junior High school
1,586 alba l'astorina irea cnr
1,585 Dean Smith Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
1,584 Lucas Schauenberg Haute École Pédagogique Vaud
1,583 Catherine MacHale Gunnarsson
1,582 Rocío Jiménez Fontana Universidad de Cádiz
1,581 Roosa Yli-Pietilä Tampere University
1,580 Lloyd Parsons University of Gloucestershire
1,579 Kem Helenius University of Tampere
1,578 Katja Mikhailovich University of Canberra
1,577 Enrico Ferraro Liceo DANTE ALIGHIERI Roma
1,576 Giovanni De Feo Università degli Studi di Salerno
1,575 Guadalupe Calvo Universidad de CádizCalvo
1,574 Anna Latorre
1,573 Marzia Campioni Itis Molinari
1,572 Sara Crivella CeaPollino
1,571 Maria Serafina Oliverio Arpacsl
1,570 Barbara Carelli Parco Nazionale della Sila
1,569 Carla Soldato Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
1,568 Eva Knekta Umeå University
1,567 Martin Crozier Ashcombe
1,566 Andrea Vacchiano CEA Pollino - Calabria
1,565 Sally Windsor Gothenburg University, Sweden
1,564 Carla Verdecchia Scuola Superiore di II grado
1,563 Barbara Rogoff UCSC
1,560 Sun-Kyung Lee Cheongju National University of education
1,559 Amelia Kovacs Arizona State University
1,558 Cristina Caroli Costantini Universita' di Chieti-Pescara
1,557 Federica Torre Save the Children
1,556 Tali White 1975
1,555 Federica Chitto' Coop Il Villaggio in Città
1,554 Vicky Mak-Tubbs Willowdale Middle School
1,553 Tammy Nguyen Arizona State University
1,552 Valia La Rocca Educator
1,551 Francesco Sallorenzo CEA Pollino Calabria
1,550 Christine Affolter ENSI
1,549 Stefano Tognarelli Associazione culturale Mimesis
1,548 Esteve Corbera Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
1,547 Elena Hoo
1,546 Dawn Robles Inverness Research
1,545 Oscar Elias Cpifp Marítimo Zaporito
1,544 Mayka García García Universidad de Cádiz
1,543 Marco Fratoddi Sapereambiente
1,542 Davide Trevisanello Scuola Primaria Ugo Foscolo di Mira (VENEZIA)
1,541 Isabel Ruiz-Mallen UOC
1,540 Domenico Decaro Formez PA
1,539 Lilly Cacace Legambiente Ischia - Associazione Gli alberi e noi
1,538 Agostino Casalino IC Casalini S. Marzano di S. Giuseppe
1,536 Roberta Mascia Giornalisti nell'erba
1,535 Stefania Calicchia ISPRA
1,534 Silvia Cammarata insegnante-pensionata
1,533 Bernardina Troncia Insegnante
1,532 Gaetano Sangineti Guida ambientale
1,531 Silvio Carrieri CEA Pollino - Calabria
1,530 Valentina Tudisca The National Research Council of Italy
1,529 Annalisa Persichetti Giornalistinellerba
1,528 Marina Cherubini
1,527 TESSA KRISAK Western University
1,526 Tejs Møller University College Copenhagen
1,525 Esther García González Universidad de Cádiz
1,524 Jessica Michel
1,523 Stefania Russo IC Bovino
1,522 amanda price bridgend college
1,521 Raffaella Cirillo Coop. soc.le EDI onlus / Educazione ai Diritti dell'Infanzia
1,520 Rosa Tiziana Bruno Istituto Alberghiero "Virtuoso" - Salerno, Italy
1,519 Annalisa Sannino Tampere University
1,518 Vincenzo Boccardi Associazione Nazionale Insegnanti Scienze Naturali
1,517 Agustina Coll
1,516 Giulia Aimola
1,515 Jose Luis Moscoso Delgado Uca
1,514 Lena Neumann Gymnasium Horn
1,513 Ilaria Romano teacher, journalist
1,512 Ursula Dollfus School
1,511 Rosa Castello Education
1,510 Niina Mykrä Tampere University/ The Finnish Association of Nature and Environment Schools
1,509 Yen-Yi Lee Department of Education, National Taichung University of Education
1,508 Skyler Tran Primary school
1,507 Guido Antonelli Costaggini coop. E.D.I. onlus Rome Italy
1,506 Iuliia Gataulina Tampere University
1,505 Chiara Scalabrino -
1,504 Claudio Tosi Cemea del Mezzogiorno
1,503 Sara Sidoretti Liceo Lucrezio
1,502 paola Bolaffio Giornalisti Nell'Erba
1,501 Adriana Valente CNR IRPPS
1,500 Marcella Camici Università di Pisa
1,499 maria pettenati INDIRE
1,498 sara garofalo le ali di dedalo onlus
1,497 Anna Lacci EARTH GARDENERS associazione no profit
1,496 Michele Nardone Universita' dell'Aquila
1,495 Anna Lacci Studio Daphne
1,494 Letizia Simeone Liceo Scientifico Aristotele Roma
1,493 Kimberly Nicholas Lund University
1,492 Mario Salomone WEEC - World environmental education network
1,491 Roberta Cafarotti Earth Day Italia
1,490 Federica Guarino Coop. sociale E.D.I. Onlus Educazione ai diritti dell'infanzia e dell'adolescenza
1,489 alessandra maldina scuola primaria Tiziano Terzani
1,488 STEFANIA BertolinI Arpae-Regione Emilia-Romagna
1,487 Giordana Francia CISP
1,486 Paola Benassi Universita' dell'Aquila
1,485 Olivier St-Gelais Concordia
1,484 Alicia Flynn Melbourne Graduate School of Education
1,483 Jane Fowler Griffith University
1,482 Heloísa Catão Colégio Santo Inácio
1,481 Minka Chambers Innisdale Secondary School
1,480 Samir Boulos Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
1,479 Ueli Nagel PH Zürich/University of Teacher Education (emerited)
1,478 Eleonora Fioravanti IC parco della vittoria, Belli
1,477 Nathalie Doyle CEPEO
1,476 Alessia maso E.D.I. Onlus - Legambiente SF
1,475 sonia ammirata
1,474 Devi Prasad Bhattarai Faculty of Education, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
1,473 Roberta Carrozzo Liceo scientifico
1,472 Emanuele Sbaffi Città Metropolitana di Firenze
1,471 Giovanna Mayer Liceo Scientifico aristotele
1,470 Marialuisa Saviano University of Salerno
1,469 donatella giordano Liceo classico Catullo Monterotondo
1,468 Pat O'Riley UBC
1,467 Francesco PAGLINO Liceo Catullo - Monterotondo (Rm)
1,465 Anni Huovinen University of Oulu
1,464 Reg Hartwick Trent University
1,463 Jutta Karhu University of Oulu
1,462 Yann Spinelli Colégio Santo Inácio
1,461 Olga Csillik Corvinus University of Budapest
1,460 Nicole Hardt
1,459 Ana Sofia Pinho University of Lisbon
1,458 gustavo moreno Universidad de Guanajuato
1,457 Enrica Piccardo OISE-University of Toronto
1,456 Satia Zen Tampere University
1,455 Silvana Pires Fonseca Mandarino Colégio Pedro II
1,454 peter cole ubc
1,453 Karoliina Hautala University of Oulu
1,452 Silvia Hafner Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
1,451 Sarah Rogaly University of Gloucestershire
1,450 Aline Diniz Warken UDESC
1,449 Miia Collanus Tampere University
1,448 Muriel Heanue Loudoun County Public Schools
1,447 Camille Lou Martin HEP - Lausanne
1,446 Katariina Holma Univesity of Oulu
1,445 Astrid Jacoby Little Hands Design
1,444 fernando costa university of lisbon
1,443 Silja Sillanpää University of Oulu
1,442 Annika Palomäki Tampere University
1,441 Vanessa Odell Nottingham Trent University
1,440 Ari-Elmeri Hyvönen University of Jyväskylä & University of Helsinki
1,439 Barbara McMillan University of Manitoba
1,438 Paula Guimarães Universidade de Lisboa
1,437 Øystein Gilje University of Oslo
1,436 Sofia Viseu Universidade de Lisboa
1,435 Leena Pääsky University of Oulu
1,434 Carl Johannes Muth Tampere University
1,433 Mirka Hintsanen University of Oulu
1,432 Rosalind Cooper Freelance Educator
1,431 Tatiana Shubina The University of Oulu
1,430 Katarzyna Kärkkäinen Universitet of Oulu
1,429 William LaFleur
1,428 Jussi Malila University of Oulu
1,427 Risto Heiskala Tampere University
1,426 Pauliina Alenius Tampere University
1,425 Katja Sutela University of Oulu
1,424 Hanna Toiviainen Tampere University
1,423 Vesna Holubek Tampere University
1,422 Liisa Hakala Univesity of Helsinki
1,421 Maselulu Lesia University of Free State
1,420 Päivi Ahonen University of Oulu
1,419 Virve Keränen University of Oulu
1,418 Marita Mäkinen Tampere University
1,417 Magda Karjalainen University of Oulu
1,416 Armi Kurkikangas Tampere University
1,415 Antti Saari Tampere University
1,414 Íris Santos University of Tampere
1,413 Kayla Blacquiere Ontario Tech University
1,412 Darren Giles SCDSB
1,411 Courtney Bajwa Ontario Tech University
1,410 Amalia Pineiro Brewster CSD
1,409 Julie Diamond Diamond Leadership
1,408 Kristin Giles Simcoe County District School Board
1,407 Johanna Annala Tampere University, University of Melbourne
1,406 Jan Varpanen Tampere University
1,405 Andrea Scharf
1,404 Andrés Santos Sharpe Universidad de Buenos Aires - CONICET
1,403 Caroline Spark Retired educator
1,402 Joana Coloma Colegio Altair
1,401 Ruan Jonck
1,400 Frans Kruger University of the Free State
1,399 Deborah Tully Whitworth University
1,398 Solom White
1,397 Teresa Washut Heck St. Cloud State University
1,396 Adam Sokol University of South Carolina
1,395 Regina Ciphrah University of South Carolina
1,394 Manjana Milkoreit Purdue University
1,392 Maude Bouvier
1,391 Maykell Carvalho Centro de Práticas Esportivas da USP
1,390 Kate Barrett university of toronto
1,389 Ursula Carsen Living Institute
1,388 Stephanie Jahn Leuphana University Lueneburg
1,387 Christine Loveday, Ed.D. East Tennessee State University
1,385 Aldilla Dharmasasmita Nottingham Trent University
1,384 Luciane Santos UDESC
1,383 Natasha Porfirio OntarioTechU
1,382 Danielle Castle Ontario Tech University
1,381 Roxy Costin UOIT
1,380 Erin Sperling Brock University
1,379 Ednelí Soraya Quintero USP
1,378 Laura Day Ashley University of Birmingham
1,377 Christian Mathis Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
1,376 Bethan Hulse University of Chester
1,375 Claire Grauer Leuphana Universität
1,374 Colin Nolan Shrewsbury College Group
1,373 Andreas Bieler University of Nottingham
1,372 Helen McCabe University of Nottingham
1,371 Heidi Morgan University of the Free State
1,370 Maggie Morgan Bridgend College
1,369 Daniel Nyikos University of Szeged
1,368 Katherine Mycock Keele University
1,367 Deb Ferguson
1,366 Chris Hammond University of Oxford
1,365 Iasmina Gruicin Politehnica University of Timişoara
1,364 Laura Hellsten Åbo Akademi University
1,363 Julia Paulson University of Bristol
1,362 Dale Kleeman University of Canberra
1,361 Calin Cristescu
1,360 Michelle Munk Queen Alexandra Middle School
1,359 Tracy Bame UNCW
1,358 Mike Farley University of Toronto Schools
1,357 Nandita Bajaj University of Toronto Schools
1,356 Aidan Monis Toronto District School Board
1,355 Dana Buchbinder EcoSpark Environmental Organization
1,354 Phil Watts Northern Michigan University
1,353 Jessica Thompson Northern Michigan University
1,352 Theresa Aqui TDSB
1,351 Libby Tudball Monash University
1,350 Toby Molouba
1,349 Patricia Martin Alves Coletivo Projeto SustentABC
1,348 Elizabeth Ashworth Nipissing University
1,347 Aurélien DECAMPS KEDGE Buisness School
1,346 Bethaney Turner University of Canberra
1,345 Marcos Scarpioni Umesp
1,344 Stephen Petrina University of British Columbia
1,343 Bronson Carver Lakehead University
1,342 Hartley Banack UBC
1,341 Amadeu Logarezzi Ufscar
1,340 Kimberly Todd
1,339 Gerard Courtin Laurentian University
1,338 Daryn Egan-Simon University of Chester
1,337 daniel fonseca de andrade UNIRIO
1,336 Tony Sabatino York University
1,335 Synne Myreböe History of ideas
1,334 Gard Ove Sørvik The Hospital School of Oslo
1,333 Jill Goodreau Guelph Collegiate VI
1,332 Sonia Rodriguez National University
1,331 Jody Luna Conscious Designs
1,330 Stephanie Mekacher Schulkreis Länggasse
1,329 Samantha Gawron Learning for a Sustainable Future (LSF)
1,328 Marko Petrik Valenture Institute
1,327 Cris Robertson Valenture Institute
1,326 Brigitte Bollmann PH Zurich
1,325 Douglas Finbow Trent University
1,324 Lucia Alvarado Cantero UCSC
1,323 Amanda Borges UNISUL
1,322 Sarah Gretton University of Leicester
1,321 Yari Or Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
1,320 Eliara Solange Müller Unisinos
1,319 Marie-Elise Zovko Institut za filozofiju
1,318 Lucy Barois The Children’s House Seychelles
1,317 Adriano Marques Gonçalves Universidade De Araraquara (UNIARA)
1,316 Arthur Getz Escudero Arizona State University
1,315 Cameron Douglas Youth Leadership in Sustainability (Kawartha Pine Ridge DSB)
1,314 Gabriela García Tavernier Escuela de Educación, Universidad de San Andrés, Bs As, Argentina
1,313 Muriel Heanue Mrs
1,312 Shirley-Ann Behravesh Arizona State University
1,311 Lindsay Bunce EcoSchools Canada
1,310 Blessy Benny Department of Education
1,309 Liz Beattie University of British Columbia
1,308 Judy Halpern Wilfrid Laurier University
1,307 Vidya Shah York University
1,305 Myriam Feldfeber Universidad de Buenos Aires
1,304 Bev Williams Mount St. Vincent University
1,303 Pedro Heliodoro Arca do Noah
1,301 Alicia Hawkins Laurentian University
1,300 Radu Ticiu CoderDojo Timisora
1,299 Carol Browne Lehman College - CUNY
1,298 Mark Hathaway University of Waterloo and the Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Action
1,297 Laura Creedon TDSB
1,296 Luiz Afonso Vaz Figueiredo Centro Universitário Fundação Santo André
1,295 Bob Benoni Tromsø kommune
1,294 Lee Anne Block University of Winnipeg
1,293 Rebecca Schiff Lakehead University
1,292 Émilie Morin Université du Québec à Rimouski
1,291 Laura Sims Université de St. Boniface
1,290 Yoviya Gwekwerere Laurentian University
1,289 Nicole Bell School of Education - Trent University
1,288 Katie Tremblay-Beaton Trent University School of Education
1,287 Lujan Baez -
1,286 Thomas Falkenberg University of Manitoba
1,285 Ron Ballentine Mr.
1,284 Nogah Kornberg University of Toronto
1,283 Jill Shashaty Riverbend
1,282 Michele Martin
1,281 Steffen R. Döhne lerngut-Bildungsmedien
1,280 Ramón Briegel University of Kassel
1,279 Wendy Jackman Waterloo Collegiate Institute
1,278 Braedon Cameron GPSD
1,276 Debra Harwood Brock University
1,275 Joanne Nazir University of the West Indies, St Augustine
1,274 Lisa (Diz) Glithero Dr.
1,273 Paul Elliott Trent University
1,272 Xavier Fazio Brock University
1,271 naomi braund bridgend college
1,270 Monica Flegel Lakehead University
1,268 Maria Vamvalis Toronto District School Board
1,267 Karen Jordan University of Iceland
1,266 Mary Ott Western
1,265 mandy price bridgend college
1,264 Keisha-Ann Down
1,263 Mary Bonhomme Florida Institute of Technology
1,262 Kathleen Merrigan Arizona State University
1,261 Jennifer Roth Lakehead University
1,260 Michael Dörsam Bundesinstitu für Berufsbildung (BIBB)
1,259 Cheryl Lousley Lakehead University Orillia
1,258 Barbara Santibanez Unviersity of Padova
1,257 Eevi Beck University of Oslo
1,256 Bradon Smith University of Bristol
1,255 John Yandell UCL
1,254 Jeppe Læssøe Aarhus University
1,253 Katherine Bates University of Technology Sydney
1,252 anton franks university of nottingham
1,251 Robyn Eady-Sitar Lakehead Public Schools
1,250 Michelina Mayer IASS - Italian Association for Sustainability Science
1,249 Dan Abikhair Licola Wilderness Village
1,248 Alastair Smith Warwick
1,247 Tina Ammann PH Zürich
1,246 Sara Orning University of Oslo
1,245 Jennifer Patterson University of Greenwich
1,244 Claudia Zaviska Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung
1,243 Kim-Maureen Martin Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB)
1,242 Helgard Mahrdt University of Oslo
1,241 Caroline Harris
1,240 Tony Wall University of Chester
1,239 Caroline Brönnimann PHBern
1,238 Christian Melzig BIBB
1,237 Lars-Arvid Brischke ifeu - Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung
1,236 Britt Tellgren Örebro University
1,235 Kathryn Clarke University of Chester
1,234 Sabrina Ludmann Ifeu-Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung, HD
1,233 Elin R. Lie University of Oslo
1,232 Tahir Nawaz victoria University Of wellington
1,231 isobel rees Bridgend College
1,230 Anabela Sousa
1,229 Lerato Dixon Nottingham Trent University
1,228 Melanie Jaeger-Erben TU Berlin
1,227 Darren Wise University of Canberra
1,226 Bronwyn Wood Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
1,225 Réka Könczey Eszterhazy Karoly University
1,224 Jesper Eckhardt Larsen University of Oslo
1,223 Nadja Küng
1,222 Carrie Eeles The North School
1,221 Julia Colbert Arizona State University
1,220 chunfeng xie Research Center for Moral Education,Beijing Academy of Educational Sciences
1,219 Niki Harre University of Auckland
1,218 Jin Jin East China Normal University
1,217 Mallory Vanier Lakehead University (Student)
1,216 Vanessa Green Victoria University of Wellington
1,215 Julian Walter Cambridge College Lima
1,214 Hemanta Hazarika School
1,213 Bhuva Narayan
1,212 Geraint Langford Cambridge College Lima
1,211 Sandra Elsom University of the Sunshine Coast
1,210 Roger Holdsworth Connect
1,209 Mariano Bargero Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche
1,208 Karen Selden School
1,207 David Nelson Oxford Brookes University
1,206 Jen Kretser The Wild Center
1,205 Fredy Nipkow
1,204 Nick Engelfried Reconnect Earth
1,203 Michael Crossley Centre for Comparative and International Research in Education (CIRE), Univ Bristol
1,202 Barbara Wille Institut Unterstrass
1,201 Debi Mink Iu Southeast
1,200 Sarah Gao Queens College, CUNY
1,199 Adrián Pérez Universidad de Guanajuato (DCI)
1,198 Rebecca Moore
1,197 Panos Hahamis University of Westminster
1,196 Pablo Meira Cartea Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
1,195 Gladys Moreno-Pando KDP
1,194 K Melchor Hall Fielding Graduate University
1,193 IV sudhakar jvv
1,192 Inga Bostad University of Oslo
1,191 Anna Grossmann Teachers for Future
1,190 Tara Adegbite
1,189 Tristan Middleton University of Gloucestershire
1,188 Esteban Secondi Universidad nacional Arturo Jauretche
1,187 Elisabeth Hainfellner HAUP
1,186 Christine Stöckli teacher
1,185 Eric Bruillard Université de Paris
1,184 Reynaldo Diaz UAEM
1,183 Torill Strand University of Oslo
1,182 peter steiner oeli-ug
1,181 Abbey MacDonald University of Tasmania
1,180 Louise Phillips James Cook University
1,179 Loizos Loukaidis Association for Historical Dialogue and Research
1,178 Ros Wade London South Bank University
1,177 Kelli McGraw QUT
1,176 Peggy Kong Lehigh University
1,175 Teresa Foulger Arizona State University
1,174 Angela Testa Beer Primarschule Weinfelden
1,173 Greg Mannion
1,172 Robert Didham Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
1,171 Yasmine Slater
1,170 Yun You East China Normal University
1,169 Laurel Swann Swann
1,168 Peter Reason University of Bath
1,167 Sophie Lorimer Australian Catholic University
1,166 Steve Shann University of Canberra
1,165 Debi Slinger The Uniting Church
1,164 Christine Nuttall Fadden Primary School
1,163 Aren Ginsberg
1,162 Michelle Sowey The Philosophy Club
1,161 Hemanga Das Gu
1,160 Namita Devi Pakadali High School
1,159 Paul Berger Lakehead University
1,158 Eve Owen Victoria University
1,157 Ondine Gage CSU Monterey Bay
1,155 Montu Hazarika Indian railway
1,154 Rachel Forgasz Monash University
1,153 AARHAN INAMUL Namgorumora BB High School
1,152 Karen McNamara University of Queensland
1,151 Amy Brooks SD 46
1,150 Sonia Mastrangelo Lakehead University
1,149 Andrea Milligan Victoria University of Wellington
1,148 George Bunch University of California, Santa Cruz
1,147 Kristen Lyons University of Queensland
1,146 Jane Merewether Edith Cowan University
1,145 Jessica King
1,144 Charles Levkode Lakehead University
1,143 Darius Ross University of South Carolina- Aiken
1,142 Brian Ross Northern Ontario School of Medicine
1,141 Michelle Young University of Virginia
1,140 Rita Gardiner Western University
1,139 Sonia Buck UFSCar
1,138 Jörg Miller University Duisburg-Essen
1,137 Alice Pawley Purdue University
1,136 Pérez Juan Universidad de Guanajuato
1,135 Isfaqur Rahman Ellora Vigyan Mancha (organisation)
1,134 Barbara Parker Lakehead University
1,133 Cathy d'Abreu Oxford Brookes University
1,132 Allie Cimino
1,131 Manfred Sparr Unabhängige Bildungsgewerkschaft UBG
1,130 Joanne Tompkins St Francis Xavier University
1,129 Kit Batten Arizona State University
1,128 Michèle Sato UFMT
1,127 Leanna Archambault Arizona State University
1,126 Tara Burke University of Arizona
1,125 Louise Harris
1,124 Jackie Seidel University of Calgary
1,123 Carina Coelho Escola Superior de Educação - Instituto Politécnico do Porto
1,122 Dr C Ramakrishnan BGVS
1,121 Susan Walsh Mount Saint Vincent University
1,119 Carlos Martinez USF Tampa Florida
1,118 Serena Greco
1,117 Tom Potter Lakehead University
1,116 Elettra Morini INDIRE
1,115 Douglas Ivison Lakehead University
1,114 Raynald Lemelin Lakehead University
1,113 Steven Secord Lakehead University
1,112 Stacey Whent Lakehead Public School Board
1,111 Brett Sharman Confederation College
1,110 Steve Cayzer University of Bath
1,109 Christy Radbourne Lakehead Public Schools
1,108 Lindsay Galway Lakehead University
1,107 Nasso Agapiou
1,106 Alberto Minazzoli Dirección general de Educación PCIA. Bs. As.
1,105 Katherine Lapham
1,104 Saly Erika
1,103 Christine Fox Colegio San Silvestre
1,102 Flavia Motta Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro
1,101 Sariya Shah Education
1,100 Lucy Shimidzu University of Westminster
1,099 Simone Schoch Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
1,098 ASIEL CLARK Alma College
1,097 Rebekah Tauritz Wageningen University
1,096 MOUSUMI MUKHERJEE O.P. Jindal Global University
1,095 Teresa Gallego Alvarez Universidad de Cantabria
1,094 Ponniah Rajamanickam People Science Movement
1,093 Marta Estelles Universidad de Cantabria
1,092 Immaculate Kizito Namukasa Western University
1,091 Vikki French
1,090 Jennifer Boddy Griffith University
1,089 Anita Hamilton University of the Sunshine Coast
1,088 Martin Vonlanthen Eidgenössisches Hochschulinstitut für Berufsbildung EHB
1,086 Tanya Yadav Institute of home economics
1,085 Brianna Frerich Mayfield Middle School
1,084 Alexis Brefka Campbell University
1,083 Ali Black USC
1,082 Claire Green The University of the Sunshine Coast
1,081 Hanna Morgan Texas State University
1,080 Pam Hughes retired
1,078 Ryann Madden UC Berkeley
1,077 Megean Ryder Lamar university
1,076 Nicole Rodriguez St. John's University
1,075 Zakia Sultana Adamjee Cantonment College
1,074 Stephen Figler CSU-Sacramento
1,073 Julia Cereola The College of New Jersey
1,072 Felipe Diaz UAEMex
1,071 Lauren Kaszubski
1,070 Evie Keane University
1,069 Chris Anderson UCAN
1,068 Emilia de la Sienra Environmental Education and Training (ECA)
1,067 cecilia Bacchetta Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche
1,066 Carmel Roofebowen UWI Mona
1,065 Antonio Guerra Rede Sulbrasileira de Educação Ambiental
1,064 Mqlu Palmieri
1,063 Dewi Walker Yarra Ranges Council
1,062 Marisa Heredia Centro univ Moura lacerda
1,061 Signy Bjarnason School District 46
1,060 Solange Santos Claretiano Centro Universitario
1,059 Jesica Gonzalez Universidad de Guanajuato
1,058 Sara Frödén Örebro University
1,057 Marcos Sorrentino USP
1,056 Carolina Moreno Altair School
1,055 Louisa Damon Nottingham College
1,054 Yalin Yared unisul
1,053 Nicole Drinot San Silvestre School
1,052 Simon Poole University of Chester
1,051 Amy Ardell Chapman University
1,050 Leigh Raymond Purdue University
1,049 Janina Haschemi
1,048 P. Natalia Ramírez Faba Universidad de Guanajuato
1,047 Kayla Segura University of Arkansas at Little Rock
1,046 Fernanda Obregón Universidad de Guanajuato
1,045 Daniela Sudan Universidade de São Paulo
1,044 Porter Schermerhorn
1,043 Anny Cevallos
1,042 Jocelyn Delgado Universidad de Guanajuato
1,041 Danielle Secker University of South Florida
1,040 Andrea Noel The State University of New York at New Paltz
1,039 Ray Wu University of Westminster
1,038 Karen Sorvaag Saint Mary's University of MN
1,037 Aaron Morehouse
1,036 Emily Mitchell Arkansas State University
1,035 Susana Figueroa Universidad de Guanajuato
1,034 Jo Feehily Oxford Brookes
1,033 Kealalokahi Losch Kapi'olani Community College-University of Hawai'i
1,032 Francisco M Vargas-Luna Universidad de Guanajuato
1,031 Silvia Alejandra Lopez Juarez Universidad de Guanajuato
1,030 Taylor Shinaberry
1,029 Nicole Barr Niagara University
1,028 Hester Burnige University of Greenwich
1,027 Adrianne Spencer Miramonte High School
1,026 M.Angeles Ull Universidad de Valencia. Spain
1,025 John Anderies Arizona State University
1,024 Alyssa Martinez eastern new mexico university
1,023 Deepti Kharod University of the Incarnate Word
1,022 Maribel Juarez Universidad de Guanajuato
1,021 Philippe Layrargues Universidade de Brasília
1,020 Dietmar Lendl Father
1,019 Hanspeter Jud Luftbilder der Schweiz
1,018 Rick Breault Ashland University
1,017 Dagmar Schulze Buschhoff Primary school
1,016 Pete Leonard Scalford Primary School
1,015 Jordan Ruyle UC Berkeley
1,014 Avni Yadav Institute of home economics
1,013 Gustavo Espinoza Ramos University of Westminster
1,012 Simon Witcombe University of Gloucestershire
1,011 Michelle Douskey UC-Berkeley
1,010 Mark Hull Oxford Brookes University
1,008 Jennefer Khattabi Karnegie
1,007 Joanne Cooper Murphy Bramcote College
1,006 Mary Leventhal
1,005 Dana Buntrock UC Berkeley
1,004 Adele Aubrey University of Manchester
1,003 Katie Rydell Southwestern University
1,002 Sian Templeton University of Gloucestershire
1,001 Katarra Waldron University of Mount Union
1,000 Helle Zinner Henriksen Copenhagen Business School
999 Eric Herring University of Bristol
998 Madhu Jain DOE
997 Gabrielle Hernandez UW-Madison
996 Jay Heffron Graduate School, Soka University of America
995 Joan Sattler Notre Dame of Maryland University
994 Kerry Lewis Truman Bodden Law School
993 Matthew Heid SFSU
992 Gary Firestone University of California, Berkeley
991 Jan Oakley Lakehead University
990 Monica McEnerny Castleton University
989 Alex Thomson Lakehead University Orillia
988 Monica Sanesi
987 Julie Crowe KDP
986 Jo Parkin University of Gloucestershire
985 Arran Stibbe University of Gloucestershire
984 Liz Currie Nazareth College
983 Meredith Thomson BCTF
982 rick millican University of Gloucestershire
981 Andrew Bratton Queen Margaret University
980 Anushka Anand Institute of Home Economics
979 Yuko Kimura Grace Academy
978 Michelle Sutton Bridgend College
977 MARYANNA MARSENISON Virginia S. Young Elementary
976 Greg Levine UC Berkeley
975 Lorna Down UWI
974 Lisa Bembo Bridgend College
973 Diana Liverman University of Arizona
972 William Harman Lewis-Clark State College
971 Giuliana Perco University of California at Berkeley
970 Emily Turpin App State
969 Annie Suganami artist
968 Diego Souza Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
967 Anna Olausson Umeå university
966 Lars Erikson
965 Alex Lawson Lakehead University
964 Gastón Martín Bellafanti Zaghet CENDIE - Instituto de Liderazgo Educativo
963 Paul Chaplin The University of South Carolina
962 Hallie Eakin School of Sustainability, Arizona State University
960 Jamila Maryam Ahlcon Public School
959 Marco Barzano Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana
958 Jane Coury Freelance
957 Sabrina Jud PHBern, University Bern
956 Dee C
955 Elizabeth Wilkins
954 Evelyn Araripes GPQV/UFSCar
953 Dorothy Broomall Arizona State University School of Sustainability
952 kanta Vadehra Freelance
951 Sam Paldanius HUMUS
950 Yoshi Nagata Sacred Heart Institute Sustaina
949 Vania G. Zuin UFSCar
947 Kathryn Mockler Western University
946 Jessica Michel University of Michigan
945 Deepti Saini University of Delhi
944 Lynn Siniscalchi Eastern Connecticut State University
943 Carolyn Waters
942 Mirna Fonseca Grupem
941 Ricardo Peixoto Universidade Católica Portuguesa
940 Beverly Eiler Niagara University
939 William York SmallFEAT Education
938 Sami Smolzer Xavier University
937 Alison Ward kindergarten
936 Joellen Archung Academy at Old Cockrill
934 Mary Castillo Altair
933 Johanna Lönngren Umeå University
932 Archana Garg
931 Christian Erik Kampmann Copenhagen Business School
930 Michael Schoon Arizona State University
929 Nicola Thomas Bridgend College
928 Leighann Forbes Gannon University
927 Allen Webb Western Michigan University
926 Annika Manni Umeå University
925 Jonathan Louw Oxford Brookes University
924 Michaela Zint University of Michigan
922 Anders Hallman Orebro university
921 Rodrigo de Freitas Southern University of Santa Catarina
920 Paula Barberis Saint Andrew's Scots School
919 Rosa Maria Cavalari Unesp- Campus Rio Claro-SP
918 Ann Quennerstedt Departement of Education, Örebro University
917 Cornelia Giger Grün Stadt Zürich
916 Rebecca Simpson Bridgend college
915 ed adams belfast metropolitan college
914 Susan Cockram Community College of Baltimore County
913 Jennifer Leigh Nazareth College
910 Paul Farber Western Michigan university
909 Jack Higgins University of Gloucestershire
908 Fatima Elizabeti Marcomin AnPAP-EA - UNISUL
907 J Baguley
906 Melonie Davies Bridgend College
905 Karin Holle colegio altair
904 Paola Fagioli Tigre
903 Leandro Carneiro Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro
902 Walter Kohan State University of Rio de Janeiro
901 Edgar Kreilkamp Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
900 Ilka Schämann Schule
899 Sylvia Snijders University of Westminster
898 Ralph Bannell Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
897 Søren Jeppesen Copenhagen Business School
896 Johannes Gemperli Schulhaus Elisabetha Hess, Weinfelden
895 Donna Fitch
894 Grace Eberts Michigan State University
893 Olivia Snyder University of Montevallo
892 Rebecca Adrian McKinley Elementary
891 Karin Huser Pädagogische Hochschul Zürich
890 Stephen Martin University of the West of England
889 Maria Sanchez UdeSA
888 Geoff Moore Durham University Business School
887 Fleur Horan
886 Dunja Schüßler Tagesmutter
885 Jennifer Huber Marion Intermediate School
884 Laurie DeRosa FItchburg State University
883 Niina Hakala Copenahgen Business School
882 Benjamin Miles University of Gloucestershire
881 Annabelle Holder University of Gloucestershire
880 Charles Day Oxford Brookes University
879 Sibylle Mathis Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
878 Chalani Rubesinghe Centre for Environmental Justice
877 Josua Dubach Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
876 Daggi Ball Seton Hall University
875 Maija Schultz Hochschule Hannover
874 Eva Emde Hochschule Hannover
873 Lana Jurko Network of Education Policy Centers
872 Johan Öhman Örebro University
871 Apryl Brown Wayne County Community College District
870 Roy Smith Nottingham Trent University
869 Garima Tiwari Institute of home economics
868 Tabea Grossenbacher Elisabeth Hess
867 Madbumathi kotamraju Geethanjali College of Engineering & Technologu Hyderabad Telangana
866 Jeff Waistell Oxford Brookes University
865 Markus Vetterli Päd. Hochschule Zürich
864 Trevor Roberts Nottingham Trent University
863 Raquel Pacheco Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicação da Universidade do Algarve
862 Jana-Michaela Timm Leuphana University of Lüneburg
861 Martina Glomb Hochschule Hannover
860 Angeline Barrett University of Bristol
859 Rachel Lander University of Westminster
858 Rosalia Duarte PUC-Rio
857 Judith Stutz PHZH
856 Marie Stack Nottingham Trent University
855 Hen Lee TSIS
854 Leanne Tonkin Nottingham Trent University
853 Helen Puntha Nottingham Trent University
852 Doug Kennedy Chiltern Society
851 Elaine Cox Oxford Brookes University
850 Thomas Eilinger Primarschule Weinfelden
849 Jenny Briggs NTU
848 Shannon Bryant Decatur - Atlanta
847 Sarah Daly Raphael house
846 Judy Sandeman Oxford Brookes University
844 Neil Smith Bournemouth University
843 Dr Hazel Dawe Oxford Brookes University
842 Raquel Heras Universitat de Girona
841 Autumn Bartley Uncw
840 Dan Finch-Race University of Bristol
839 Paul Howard-Jones University of Bristol
838 Ellie Kennedy Nottingham Trent University
837 Andrea Ross School of Law University of Dundee
836 William Baker University of Bristol
835 Sandra Einig Oxford Brookes University
834 Ryuta Yamamoto Shizuoka univ
833 Iain Biggs Bath Spa
832 Alison Greig Anglia Ruskin University
831 Bojana Culum Ilic University of Rijeka
830 Susan Brown University of Manchester
829 Lucy Wenham University of Bristol
828 Shaily Mendiratta Indraprastha International School
827 Richard Howarth Nottingham Business School
826 Juliana Siwale Nottingham Trent University
825 Sara Jones Bath Spa University
824 Julian Greaves Bath Spa University
823 Maureen McCulloch Oxford Brookes Business School
822 Deborah Lenihan Oxford Brookes University
821 Isabel Virgo Oxford Brookes University
820 Amy Johnson Nottingham Trent University
819 Ann Ndiuini Oxford Brookes
818 Fran Knight University of Bristol
817 Christiana Glettler KPH Graz
816 Sarah Woodward
815 Sara le Roux Oxford Brookes University
814 Mark Boylan Sheffield Hallam University
813 Michel Mason University of Essex
812 Helen Kopnina the hague university of applied sciences
811 rikke Pedersen University College Copenhagen
810 Alexandra Arntsen Nottingham Trent University
809 Ranjani Madddur CIE, DU
808 Daniel Tait University of Canberra
807 Dhara Padhiar Nottingham Trent University
806 Hirohiko Nishikubo Nagasaki University
805 Mike Diamond Bournemouth University
804 Parul Malik University of Delhi
803 Fanny Paschek University of Greenwich
802 Corinna Dr. Borer Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
801 Sharon Boyd University of Edinburgh
800 Karsten Altenschmidt Universitaet Duisburg-Essen
799 Angharad McLaren Nottingham Trent University
798 Lynne Walder Nottingham Trent University
797 Ranbir Dahiya HGVS, Haryana
796 Alex Hiller Nottingham Trent University
795 Denise Baden University of Southampton
794 Mayble Elizabeth Pitt University of Bristol
793 Kayleigh Dean Nottingham Trent University
792 Charlie Cannon Nottingham Trent University
791 Nicole Bosshard
790 Anne-Sophie Waag Universität Mannheim
789 Louise O'Boyle Ulster University
788 Marieke De Vos Erasmushogeschool Brussel
787 Ameena Ghaffar-Kucher University of Pennsylvania
786 Clive Murgatroyd Cranfield University
785 Levan Sarajishvili
784 Nicholas Houghton University for the Creative Arts
783 Eleanor Wills Bournemouth University
782 kate hawkey university of bristol
781 Fraser Lovie University of Aberdeen
780 Vivienne Buckley
779 Katharine Pearce NTU
778 Rachel Howell University of Edinburgh
777 Christopher Long Bridgend College, Wales, UK
776 Wim Melis University of Greenwich
775 Inga Gryl University Duisburg-Essen
774 Lisa Siegel Southern Cross University
773 Bruce Edmonds Manchester Metropolitan University
772 Petra Breitenmoser Zurich University of Teacher Education
771 Mary Dansie Nottingham Trent University
770 Su Beesley Nottingham Trent University
769 Nafisa Siddiqui University of Delhi
768 Deborah Bellas Home
767 Olaya Álvarez University of Balearic Islands
766 lynne marshall nottingham trent university
765 Melody Modebelu Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike
763 Michael Hürlimann Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich (PHZH)
762 Stephen Andrews UC Berkeley
761 Joanna Booth Nottingham Trent University
760 Simon Brownhill University of Bristol
759 Antje Risius University of Göttingen
758 Mauro Guimarães Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro
757 William Browne University of Bristol
756 Helen McElroy Nottingham Trent University
755 Stacey Fisher East Tennessee State University
754 Mel McCree Bath Spa University
753 Rebecca Rose University of Bristol
752 Angela Bonetti Zurich University of Teacher Education
751 thomas spörri Kantonsschule Uster
750 Sander van der Leeuw Arizona State University
749 Kiran Chhokar
748 Karen Hewitt Nottingham Trent University
747 Jane Bartholomew Nottingham Trent University
746 Anna Oberrauch Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol
745 Pernille Malberg Dyg University College Copenhagen
744 Fotios Mitsakis Nottingham Trent University
743 Lizzi Milligan University Of Bath
742 Julian Brown University of Bristol
741 Carmen Solís Universidad de Sevilla
740 Jennifer Rowsell University of Bristol
739 Nicole Eilinger PHZH
738 Hilary Macleod IUCN Commission on Education and Communication
737 Michael Viola Saint Mary’s College
736 Siva Gopal Thaiyalan
735 Sonja Vukmirovic
734 Katsunori Suzuki ESD Resource Center
733 Simone Locher Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
732 Anjuli Backer Texas State University
731 Roser Beneito-Montagut Cardiff University
730 natia tchigvaria GIPA
729 Urs Kaufmann PHBern
728 Sandra Tänzer Universität Erfurt
727 Nadia Signer Verein Grünwerk - Naturdetektive
726 Evelin Pfeifer Universität Zürich
725 Adriana Franceschi
724 Harold Glasser Western Michigan University
723 Meghann Jarchow
722 Anita Rampal Delhi University (retired faculty)
721 Linda Henderson Monash University
720 Fumiko Noguchi United Nations University
719 Kathy Hardie-Williams Kappa Delta Pi
718 Susann Sander Grundschule Hasenburger Berg
717 Antonio Luzón University of Granada
716 Lisa Fischer Grundschule Hasenburger Berg
715 Caroline Williams University of California, Berkeley
714 Kirk Suchowesky Kappa Delta Pi
713 Zinaida Fadeeva TERI SAS
712 Mark Kaiser UC Berkeley
710 A Goodloe Norfolk State Univerrsity
709 Michelle Baptiste University of California, Berkeley
708 Katherine Snyder UC Berkeley
706 Ingela Bursjöö Science education
705 Corine Rivalland Monash University
704 Angela Molloy Murphy Inventing Remida Portland project
703 Linda Berlow Northeastern Illinois University
702 laxmikant deshpande
701 Laura C. Nelson University of California, Berkeley
700 Vesna Rodic University of California, Berkeley
699 Michelle Conn Lewis-Clark State College
698 Bassant Abdelrahman
697 Morgan West University of Northern Iowa
696 Kevis Goodman University of California, Berkeley
695 Hali Niemi Lewis-clark state college
694 Helen Grimmett Monash University
693 Elaine Sites
692 Katja Brundiers Arizona State University
691 Sheila Walk
690 Claudia Valverde Seton Hall University
689 Heather Densley Western Academy of Beijing
688 Iris Duhn Monash University
687 Priya Pugh
686 Emma Fulton Kindergarten
685 Dora Soraia Kindel UFRRJ
684 Lizette Gonzalez
683 Mary Dereshiwsky Northern Arizona University
682 milagros martinez mosquera
681 Gina Alvarado Colegio Altair
680 Elizabeth Kachur Pompton Lakes School District
679 Emilie Broussard Elementary School
678 Mike Zettek Lakehead University
677 Eric Miller Moody High School
676 Caitlin Neier St. John's University
675 lara stevens unimelb
674 shi gendong Chinese National Working Committee of ESD and Asia-Pacific Institute of ESD
673 Shantram Hawkins American College of Education
672 Anna Gonzalez University of South Florida
671 Jennifer Somma-Coughlin
670 Desiree Bowlby
669 Jeremy Jones University of Canberra
668 Mark Bernstein Arizona State University
667 Jayne Lewis
666 Marcelo Paraiso Alves IFRJ
665 Janine Diaz-Cotto Nova Southeastern University
663 INES BARBOSA DE OLIVEIRA Universidade Estácio de Sá
662 Kierin McIntosh Uni of Canberra
661 Karla Guss
660 Holly Paulding Halls Outdoor Education
659 Jayne Hafer Florida Atlantic University - Rho Omega Chapter
658 Olivia Jordan Illinois College
657 Nic Brown Outer Eastern Training Institute
656 Donielle Fletcher
655 Micha Scott Australian Catholic University
654 Tim Proctor Rubicon Outdoor Centre
652 elizabeth van duyne Seton Hall University
651 adam kitt ntu
650 Cyd Perez PGCPS
649 Gama Aywa Ondere Western College of Education
648 Sheri Mycue The Univ of TX at Austin
647 Leslie Helmick University of Arkansas
646 Ellen Field Lakehead University
645 William Black Tarrant County College
644 Joseph Gomez Baylor University
643 Jae Major Victoria University of Wellington
642 Reynaldo Guidos Lone Star College Cy Fair
641 Amy Glenn KDP
640 Kayla Owens Winona State University
639 Alyce Baker Lock Haven University of PA
638 Katelynd Dreger
637 Jamie Jennissen Owatonna Middle School
636 Robin Swindle
635 Wendy Avon NYC DOE
634 Nandy Bahadoor Georgia Gwinnett College
633 Laura Coulman Conestoga College
632 Alan Isaac American University
631 Sarah Eckmann Trinity Oaks
630 Maria Guajardo Soka University
629 Karen Krepps University of Toledo
628 Ludmilla Miller Thiel College
627 Bjoern Hagen Arizona State University
626 Susan Cooper Florida Gulf Coast University
625 Chareese Williams Grand Canyon University
624 Noman Mohammad UUMIS
623 Claire McWilliams ASU
622 Hillary Ventle Oklahoma State University
621 Gary L Willhite University of Wisconsin La Crosse
620 Christopher Nash Western Governors University
619 Tammy Hughley
618 Taylor Guyton University of Alabama
617 Yaozhen Pan Zhejiang International Studies University
616 Matthew Cortijo Buffalo State College
615 Lisa Sonter
614 Joe Joyner
613 Gerald Bailey
612 Marco Janssen Arizona State University
611 Jaymes Lowe AIME
610 Ronald Wilhelm
609 Sachiko Okamoto Willpower Learning Institute
608 Ruth Johnston
607 Chingwen Cheng Arizona State University
606 Ann Madera
605 Kelli Larson Arizona State University
604 Peter Copeman University of Canberra
603 Marlyn Press Retired
602 Dave White Arizona State University
601 Loreta Andersen CUNY
600 Naomi Vanderleest University of Saint Francis
599 Kimberly Simons WGU
598 Analia Arrieta
597 Chris Beaman Kappa Delta Pi
596 Ntasiobi Igu Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu Alike Ebonyi State Nigeria
595 Jasmine Bonner The University of Alabama
594 Irene Cremades Soler Universidad de Granada
593 Richard Gunstone Monash University
592 Taylor Alicea Missouri State University
591 Marren Smith Mount Saint Mary College
590 Kelsey Lyons Santa Clara university
589 Michael Crawley Jenai
588 linda brownbartlett yorkship family school
587 LeShan Bradshaw Minneola Charter School
586 Sarah Hawkinson North Park University
585 Karyn Burgess Manchester School District
584 Karina Gimenez Universidad de San andrés
583 Sarah Urquhart Yokohama International School
582 RosaLia Fenoaltea Seton Hall University
581 Petra Molthan-Hill Nottingham Trent University
580 Mavis Brown University of Richmond
579 Casey Olson Gustavus Adolphus College
578 Joshua Russell Canisius College
577 Thomas M. Gwaltney Ph.D. Eastern MIchigan University
576 Tayron Glover KDP
575 Carley Szopinski Kaskaskia childrens learning center
574 Jessica Hausman Oakville High School
573 Dr. Rachel Serianz St. Ambrose University
572 Stefanie LaPierre
571 Lara Dieckmann Columbia College
570 Arianne Cease Arizona State University
569 Betsy Ameen Mary Baldwin University
568 J. Kristin Ryser
567 Kayley Etherton MLC Marshmead
566 Rosalyn McKeown
565 regina gleeson Ecologic Education
564 Jenice Muhammad-Kee Harris Stowe State University
563 Arul Joseph Rhyl Primary School
562 Allison Fisher University of Northern Iowa
561 Linnea Beckett University of California, Santa Cruz
560 Rebecca Kinnane ACU
559 Kathleen Aikens Monash University
558 Janette Rogers Northeastern State University Prof. Emeritus
557 Jasmine Williams Teachers College
556 Daniel Childers Arizona State University
555 Jacqueline Evans Grand Canyon University
554 B Dalzell
553 Paul Vare University of Gloucestershire
552 Deb Jezuit
551 Megan Mackie Bay Path University
550 Denise Wilborn
549 Tamra Willis Mary Baldwin University
548 Danette Moore Pearl River High School
547 Cara Weinstein University of Delaware
546 Haley Chan McDaniel College
545 Sam Perry University of Richmond
544 Alexei Desmarais Ecology Project International
543 Mariano Alu Universidad de San Andrés
542 Lara Burch ACU
541 Christopher Whited Kappa Delta Pi
540 Kathleen Vogtle Nazareth College
539 Jeff Hunter Glenville State College
537 Cassidy Braithwaite Virginia Wesleyan University
536 Ashleigh Howell ACU
535 Hollee Czajka Elmhurst College
534 Kenneth Miller Youngstown State University
533 Thomas Lister-Looker Western Governors University
532 Bailey Scalf Western Governers University
531 Mary Surabian Endicott College
530 Nelly Meneses Colegio Altair
529 Talya Tenbrink University of Rhode Island
528 Vandna Bindra NC State University
527 Rea Kirk
526 Robyn Saunders Australian Catholic University
525 Taryn Hansen Middlesex County College
524 Angela Simics Eastern Connecticut State University
522 Jerry Robbins
521 Annie Menninger The College of New Jersey
520 Heather Lampert
519 Michelle Sheehan NYCDOE
518 Madeline Kovarik NDNU
517 Sage Sirotkin, Ph.D. iTutor
516 Danielle Howell Western Governors University
515 ileana hilton
514 Melinda Elliott Governors State University
513 Maria Mercedes Di Virgilio Universidad de Buenos Aires/CONICET
512 Amie Musselman Ohio University
511 David Hughes Wilmington University
510 Renee DeAngelis University of Rhode Island
509 Desiree Strick Sam Houston State University
508 Karson McElroy Salisbury University
507 Kyla Tienhaara Queen's University
506 Sydney Keller Southeast Missouri State University
505 Laura Lane UNCW
504 Kimberly Zepeda CSUB
503 Anne-Marie Gafner Knopf PHBern
502 Sarah Clement University of Alaska Fairbanks
501 Morgan Mayer-Jochimsen UW-Madison
500 Grant Zouch Victoria University of Wellington
499 Megan McGinty University of Alaska Fairbanks
498 Alexandra Pasqualone
497 Katharine Cryan
496 Alan Reid Monash University
495 Manoa Koepp Miramonte High School
494 Nader Jazayeri Miramonte High School
493 Margaret Gleeson Victoria University of Wellington
492 Ivy Mu University of Hawaii at Manoa
491 John Shinsky Grand Valley State University
490 Erika Ramírez UAEMex
489 Tajma Evans
488 Jennifer Khamasi Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
487 Vicente Cordova Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
486 Alan Barwin Central Middle School
485 Michael Barram Saint Mary's College of California
484 Becky Grijalva Arizona State University
483 Kenneth Worthy University of California Berkeley
482 Sandra Lujano Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
481 iskra de la cruz UIS
480 Susan Stillman Fielding Graduate University
479 Nancy Rydberg University of Wisconsin-Madison
478 Donald Scott University of Calgary
477 Lisa Starr McGill Uniiversity
476 Arnim Wiek Arizona State University
475 Helen Wambach
474 Gvantsa Chichua Gipa
473 Valerie Bentz Fielding Graduate University
472 Heather Duncan Brandon University
471 jude ashburn
470 Claudio Suasnábar Universidad Nacional de La Plata
469 KERI-LYN DURANT Lakehead University
468 Shelley Scott University of Calgary
467 Kathryn Jefferies Lakehead University
466 Sandra Poirier Middle Tennessee State University
465 Michelle Cohen Queen's University
464 Andrew Maher Linwood School
463 Jessica Prioletta Western University
462 Carla Sabbatini Universidad de San Andres
461 Charles Redman Arizona State University
460 Marta Sánchez University of North Carolina Wilmington
459 Linda Smith Robert Gordon University
458 Tena Versland Montana State University
457 Da Huo Lakehead University
456 Lali Giorgidze National Center for Education Quality Enhancement of Georgia
455 Mariam Ghambashidze NCEQE
454 Laurine Harnisch Student
453 Sonja Falkner Naturzentrum Thurauen
452 Myrna Santiago Saint Mary's College of California
451 Claudia Saya HEP
450 Sara Baker Queen's University
449 Jennifer Seydel Madison
448 Nathalie Sinclair Simon Fraser University
447 Rochelle Kapp University of Cape Town
446 Rebecca Coulter University of Western Ontario
445 Jody Rebek Algoma University
444 Sarah Stapleton University of Oregon
443 Tracy Helliwell University of Bristol
442 CARLOS BALLESTEROS Universidad Pontificia Comillas
441 Alf Coles University of Bristol
440 Keeley-Jo Fennell Complete Kids
439 Eleni Sardianou Harokopio University
438 Rebeca Anijovich Universidad de San Andres
437 Maranda Dumas Lakehead University
436 John Hardman Florida Atlantic University
435 Lydia Tallet International School of Indiana
434 Cleverson Fleming Secretaria de Estado e Educação do Rio de Janeiro
433 Deirdra Preis Sacred Heart University
432 Alex Blanch Universidad de San Andrés
431 diego alejandro Gómez-Hoyos SCiAC
430 Martin Adalberto Tena Espinoza de los Monteros Universidad de Guadalajara
429 Allison Boone Green Eastern Michigan University
428 Robin Faye Lakehead University
427 Lucy Harberts Darebin
426 Genevieve Gardner International School of Indiana
425 Leigh-Anne Ingram Lakehead University
424 Ira Bogotch Florida Atlantic University
423 Joan Chambers Lakehead University
422 Martín Andrés Perez Comisso Tempe
421 Gabriela Quemé
420 Daniela Garces Universidad internacional del ecuador
419 Bhavana Rani Soka University of America
418 MIchael Sampson St. John's Univiersity
417 Stefan Marti Sekundarschule am Bach
416 Dr. Mike Wright
415 micky renders
414 Tobin Day Bluewater District School Board
413 Kelsey Jaggard Lakehead University
412 Krista Clement Queen’s University
411 Christopher Tienken Seton Hall University
410 Sunil Mohanty All India Association for Educational Research
408 Eleni Christodoulou Georg Eckert Institute
407 Sherri-Lynn Yazbeck University of Victoria, Child Care Services
406 Ashley Webber Soka University of America
405 Nicola Youngson Robert Gordon University
404 Sally Zepeda University of Georgia
403 Erin McCloskey Vassar College
402 Shania Van Dusen Lakehead University
401 Teresa Humphrey Edward Johnson PS
400 David Matheson University of Wolverhampton
399 Hannah Miller
398 Michael David Alexander Virginia Tech
397 Alison Taysum University of Leicester
396 Arlinda Cela UWO
395 Rebecca Meza UW Madison
394 Julia Ostertag Dalhousie University
393 Rosemary Papa Educational Leaders Without Borders
392 Steven Moore Queen's University
391 Sarah Hennessy Western University
390 Rachel Lawton San Silvestre School
389 Robyn Tyler University of the Western Cape
388 Stéphanie Philippe
387 Mercedes Cobiella Universidad nacional de Lujan
386 Kaye McNamara Boorai Centre Ocean Grove
385 Theres Bauer PH Zürich
384 Lise Spangenthal
383 Ann Kajander Lakehead University
382 Marty Wood LakeheadU
381 Lucia Ruggerone Robert Gordon University
380 Leila González-Sullivan Fielding Graduate University
379 Katrina Drobniak Western Libraries UWO
378 Graciela Cappelletti Universidad de San Andrés
377 Clare Gordon Tatla Lake Elementary Junior Secondary School
376 Sue Elliott UNE
375 Molly Wallace Queen's University
374 Margaret Flythe-White
373 Dr. Vicki Schwean University of Western Ontario
372 Tanya Kaefer Lakehead University
371 Farahnaz Faez University of Western Ontario
370 Patty Born Selly Hamline University
369 Gary Anderson New York University
368 Cecilia Adrogue UdeSA CONICET
367 Rachel Sandieson Western University
366 Denise Horoky Western University
365 Kim McPhee Western University
364 Devon Lee Lakehead University
363 Kara Wickens
361 Joseph Henderson Paul Smith's College
360 Christina van Barneveld Lakehead University
359 Simon Burandt Leuphana University
358 Angela Aisenstein Universidad de San Andrés
357 Heather Ross
356 Leesa Couper Western University
355 Tim Turner Go Wild University
354 Donna Hunt
353 Tonia Gray
352 Adina Baiatu PH Zürich
351 Randy Boyd Lakehead University
350 Cassandra Cooper Lakehead University
349 Sarah Caspers Museum Aargau
348 Malena Braun Universidad de San Andrés
347 Sally Anderson Lakehead University
346 Jana Dlouhá Charles University Environment Center
345 Laura Crawford-Awrey Geaorgian College & Lakehead University
344 Esma Cinar
343 Carol Rasmussen Lakehead University
342 Karen Anderson Lakehead University
341 Camille Antonoff HEP Lausanne
340 Eve Allemand Haute Ecole Pédagogique
339 Jess Clausen Lakehead University
338 Sandra Ferreira University of the Free State
337 Brigitte Mitchell
336 Tracy Shields Lakehead University
335 Dominique Bärtschi
334 Kara Sentance Lakehead University
333 Gabriela Argumedo University of Bath
332 Suzana Klarin University of Melbourne
331 Geoffrey R Damm
330 Alejandro Artopoulos Universidad de San Andrés
329 Inger Kristine Jensen OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University
328 Maria Eugenia Podestá University of San Andrés
327 Catherine Sundbye Kindergarten
326 Loretta Davis
325 Cara Nightingale AEU
324 Antonios Tinis
323 Fikile Nxumalo University of Toronto
322 Meagan Montpetit Western University
321 Tonya Rooney Australian Catholic University
320 Pam Bishop Western University
319 Melina Furman Universidad de San Andrés
318 Laura Chihab Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
317 Miriam Pepper Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria
316 Nicole Land Ryerson University
314 Petrit Imeraj Albanian Alps Alliances
313 Rich Moth Liverpool Hope University
312 Bettina Moonen Neerim District Secondary College
311 Maureen Cullen Western University
310 Sara Raeesi-Gujani Western University
309 Terry Hildebrandt Fielding Graduate University
308 Brendon Munge University of the Sunshine Coast
307 Corin Bieri Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
306 John Quay University of Melbourne
305 Anna Truessel Paedagogische Hochschule Zuerich
304 Shannon Stewart Western University
303 Jade Baggins-Clark Self Employed
302 Per Ingvar Haukeland University of South-Eastern Norway
301 Judith Muir Canopy of Care
300 Joanne Sorensen Bush Knowing Nature Immersion Group
299 Toril Eskeland Rangnes Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL)
298 Evan Brophy Lauriston Girls School, Howqua Campus
297 PETER MARTIN Federation university Australia
296 Doug Fargher Westgarth Kindergarten
295 Laura Lüscher Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
294 Seth Pollack California State University, Monterey Bay
293 Jo Pollitt Edith Cowan University
292 Mary Macken-Horarik Australian Catholic University
291 Pia Spangenberger Technische Universität Berlin
290 Mirriam Moonga University of Zambia
289 Polyxeni Stylianou Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth
288 Sue Cherrington Victoria University of Wellington
287 Wickli Anna-Barbara PHZH
286 Nina Birss Outdoor Education
285 Noran Hamada victoria university of wellington
284 Michiko Inoue Osaka Ohtani University
283 Ben Appleford
282 Judith Loveridge Victoria University of Wellington
281 Marios Epaminondas Association for Historical Dialogue and Research
280 Edit Bugge HVL
279 Natasha Tough Bright P-12
278 William Bradley Ryukoku University
277 Maia Mushkudiani Defence Institution Building School
276 Werner Wintersteiner
275 Stephanie Conroy Mcclelland College
274 Kathy Mann University of Canberra
273 Vel McKeachie Australian Catholic University
272 Pablo Vommaro CABA
271 Alison Lugg RMIT
269 Eleni Theodorou European University Cyprus
268 Shyam Barr University of Canberra
267 Simone Michel Hamdeen PH Zug
266 Kjersti Breivega Høgskulen på Vestlandet
265 Marco Adamina Pädagogische Hochschule Bern
264 Stephen Larmar Griffith University
263 maggie haggerty Victoria University of Wellington
262 Cynthia Lewis University of California, Santa Cruz
261 Lara Drew ATMC
260 Chrysthia Papacleovoulou Open University Cyprus
259 Kalypso Iordanou University of Central Lancashire Cyprus
258 Nicole Lorusso Queen Margaret’s School
257 Anita Venter University of the Free State
256 Connie Corley Fielding Graduate University
255 Deep Shah Sundarvan-Nature Discovery centre
254 Andre Keet Nelson Mandela University
253 Shalini Kelkar Udayachal Primary school
252 Marina Knight UC College
251 sanjay bose Bodhi international school
250 Amy Pekol University of Minnesota
249 Niki Zarou
248 Four Arrows Jacobs FGU
247 Kitty Kelly Epstein University
246 Teresa Speciale University of Wisconsin-Madison
245 Onyekwue Francis N. Trauma Awareness and Resilience (TAR) Initiative
244 JC Van der Merwe University of the Free State
243 Katerina Bodovski The Pennsylvania State University
242 Dave Robertson Praxis
241 Denise Ho Cambridge College
240 Diana Famakinwa University of Wisconsin–Madison
239 Jordan King Arizona State University
238 Ndindi Kitonga Los Angeles
237 Nancy Kendall University of Wisconsin-Madison
236 Linda Hogg Victoria University of Wellington
235 Andreas Kasoulides Primary Education
234 Simon Chirwa University of Zambia
233 Eileen Wise University of Canberra
232 Mark Sheehan Victoria University of Wellington
231 Meredith Hawkins High School
230 Hueyli Li The University of Akron
229 Barbara Pamphilon University of Canberra
228 Sophie Alcock Victoria University of Wellington
227 Rajeswari Namagiri Individual
226 Daiana Caballero Victoria University of Wellington
225 Amanda Smith Hawthorne
224 Jeremy Stevens University of Canberra
223 Polly Chester Griffith University
222 Shane McDonald Griffith University
221 Melissa Bracken Robert Bateman Nature Sketch Club
220 Dorothee Holscher Griffith University
219 Lora Martens Arizona State University
218 Gail Reardon University of Canberra
217 Mauricio Mejia Arizona State University
216 Michael Walsh University of Canberra
215 Milagros Zingoni Arizona State University
214 Allie Glasgow Victoria University of Wellington
213 Sam Severance University of California, Santa Cruz
212 James Neill University of Canberra
211 Tzu-Wen Hsu University of Canberra
210 Karina Doblander Handelsakademie Schwaz
209 Carolyn Drew University of Canberra
208 Alicia Rusoja Saint Mary's College of California
207 Carmel Richardson University of Canberra
206 Lucy Gledhill University of Canberra
205 Yeow-Tong Chia University of Sydney
204 Craig Applegate University of Canberra
203 Laura Rey San Silvestre
202 Ellen van der Wee
201 David Reichard California State University Monterey Bay
200 Joss Rankin Flinders University
199 Robin Averill Victoria University of Wellington
198 Aaron Redman Leuphana University
197 Bronwyn Davis School
196 Abigail Lynam Fielding Graduate University
195 Aryn Baxter University of Idaho
194 Jodi Evans Monash University
193 Denise Faloon Victoria University
192 Gail Velten Kirkwood School District
191 Kate Thornton Victoria University of Wellington
190 Colin Harris Take Me Outside
189 Matthias Kowasch University Collge of Teacher Education Styria
188 Karen Schedler Arizona State University
187 Joseph Campione UC Bereley
186 Anita Sanyal University of Maryland
185 Scott Polley UniSA
184 Armando Alcántara UNAM MEXICO
183 Pamela Curtin Calamvale Community College
182 Robin Shields University of Bath
181 Siddhi Vyas NYC DOE
180 Elena Papamichael Cyprus Pedagogical Institute
179 Eddy Davis-Rae Wellington Boys' and Girls' Institute
178 Steve Schapiro Fielding Graduate University
177 Biljana C. Fredriksen University of South-Eastern Norway
176 Adam Kunz California State University, Monterey Bay
175 Tavis Jules Loyola University Chicago
174 Sharon Stein University of British Columbia
173 Eric Haas Cal State East Bay
172 Tatiana Miller Santa Cruz City Schools
171 Maria Hamali Cyprus ministry of education
170 Frances Vavrus University of Minnesota
169 Ingrid Oliver Cambridge college
168 Marianne Larsen Western University
167 Walter Robert Lehmann University of Southeast Norway
166 Vivienne Bozalek University of the Western Cape
165 Vivienne Bozalek Cape Town
164 Heidi Biseth University of South-Eastern Norway
163 Laura Wulf San Silvestre School
162 Amanda Lashaw Oakland
161 Jahna Otterbacher Open University of Cyprus
160 Frank Gidney CSU Monterey Bay
159 Erin Redman University of Wisconsin
158 Chrissy Hernandez CSUMB
157 Jessie Paloposki East Kootenay Invasive Species Council
156 Monilola Oyetade Lead City University, Ibadan, Oyo state
155 ELLAH JERE Gown of hope
154 Esperanza Zamora Santa Cruz
153 Margaret Gibson UC Santa Cruz
152 Elan Park
151 G.L. Hess University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
150 H Prentice Baptiste New Mexico State University
149 Vilma Sielawa St. Mary's College of California
148 Miyoba Buumba WWF
147 Johan Stroman Heartwood Solutions Consulting
146 Heidi Kristensen UiO
145 Candice Carr Kelman Arizona State University
144 Afolakemi Oredein Lead City University
143 Alice Baldridge Saint Mary's College of CA
142 Suzanne Schmidt Saint Mary's College of California
141 Judith Naidorf Uba
140 Kim Vachon UC-Santa Cruz
139 Carol Strickland
138 Ann Drevno Saint Mary's College of California
137 Sarah Rapp University of California, Santa Cruz
136 Nicholas Stanger Western Washington University
135 Christine Sleeter California State University Monterey Bay
134 Emily Anderson Florida International University
133 Kimberly Tobey National Association of Community Colleges
132 Katrina Salcedo San Silvestre School
131 Cathryn Magno University of Fribourg
130 Erik Tate York university
129 Shawna McKinley British Columbia Institute of Technology
128 Maria Eugenia Estremadoyro San Silvestre School
127 Peggy Marciniec UW Platteville
126 Mecaila Smith UCSC, San Jose State
125 Riley Collins UC Santa Cruz
124 Judith Scott University of California, Santa Cruz
123 Joao Silva Universidade Federal de São Carlos
122 Կարինէ Փալանճեան Arizona State University
121 Kimberly Wallace Trondheim International School
120 Soleste Hilberg UC Santa Cruz
119 Judith Larrick Albemarle County (retired)
118 Alexandra Race UC Santa Cruz
117 Harry Hildebrand Markham College
116 Karl Kitching University College Cork
115 Yvonne Sherwood UC Santa Cruz
114 Rosemary Wessely ballwin
113 Audrey Bryan Dublin city university
112 Esther Pretti Arizona State University
111 Shalva Tabatadze East European Univeraity
110 Rosario Mendivil San Silvestre School
109 esra bozkurt Santa Cruz
108 Uche Emetarom Abia State University, Abia State, Nigeria
107 Charlotte Brodsky-Brooks San Francisco
106 Carla See San Silvestre School
105 Nicole Mitidieri St. George's College
104 Galya Martinez San Silvestre School
103 Ethan Chang UC Santa Barbara
102 Jim Poyser Earth Charter Indiana
101 Andrea Vazquez Santa Cruz
100 Deborah Chabi Dundee Crown High School
99 Rose Cardarelli KDP
97 Sharon Kunde The International School of Los Angeles
96 Sheeva Sabati University of California, Santa Cruz
95 Giuliana Demarini San Silvestre
94 Patricia García San Silvestre School
93 Chrysanthi Kadji Frederick University Cyprus
92 Rebecca Covarrubias UC Santa Cruz
91 Nicola Waterson San Silvestre
90 Maria Elia Public Primary School
89 Florencia Lopez
88 Steven Klees Silver Spring
87 Adriana Lassus San Silvestre School
86 Carla Burelli lima
85 Tyler DesRoches Arizona State University
84 Agustina Rosa Uba
83 Ursula Wunder NOvotny Pädagogische Hoschschule St. Gallen
82 Daniela Perrotta Universidad de Buenos Aires / CONICET / CLACSO
81 Marco Rieckmann University of Vechta
80 Bob Spires University of Richmond
79 Nina Vogt Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
78 Erik Knain University of Oslo
77 Julia Silver Arizona State University
76 Erika Kessler Teachers College, Columbia University
75 Berit Westergaard Bjørlo Høgskulen på Vestlandet
74 Eileen Merritt Arizona State University
73 Patrick Kunz PHSG
72 Sara Gabrielsson Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies
71 Clement Alziari
70 Judith Lanka Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
69 Cecilie Andreassen HVL
68 Martina Cavelti PHZH
67 Pitt Hild Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
66 Lynn Hilditch Liverpool Hope University
65 Rikke Frøyland HVL
64 Judith Klein Inland Norway University of Applied Science
63 Valentina Aversano-Dearborn ViA: Forum for Sustainable Visions in Action
62 Anne-Stefi Teigland Høgskulen på Vestlandet
61 Hilde Traavik HVL
60 Lykke Guanio-Uluru Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
59 Ture Schwebs Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
58 Silje Førland Erdal University of Oslo
57 Nape Senong University of Johannesburg
56 Doirs Jorde University of Oslo, Norway
55 Gilles Blandenier HEP BEJUNE
54 Christa Henze University Duisburg-Essen
53 Deepika Joon Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development
52 Maria Andree Stockholm University
51 Katarina Roncevic
50 Kristoffer Jul-Larsen Høgskulen på Vestlandet
49 Rob O'Donoghue ELRC Rhodes Unibversity
48 Majken Korsager Norwegian Centre for Science Education, UiO
47 Petter Haugereid Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
46 Kjartan Sørland HVL
45 Johanne Engelund Tjøsvold Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
44 Torbjørg Afdal Høgskulen på Vestlandet
43 Malin Jenssen Bakken Høgskulen på Vestlandet
42 Nina Goga Bergen
41 Astrid Sinnes NMBU
40 Sylvia Lorek University of Applied Science Münster
39 Anja Gabrielsen University of South-Eastern Norway
38 Susanne Gannon Western Sydney University
37 Sonja Klinsy Arizona State University
36 Alfredo Jornet Gil University of Oslo
35 Alain Pache HEP Vaud
34 Annelie Ott University of Oslo
33 Anita Schneider Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
32 Inger Birkeland University of South-Eastern Norway
31 Tove Ilsaas Pharo University of Oslo
30 Marianne Ødegaard University of Oslo
29 Brent Edwards University of Hawaii
28 Claudia Jacinto Ides
27 Ivonne Lujano Arizona State University
26 Eva Vass Western Sydney University
25 Simone Abels Leuphana University Lüneburg
24 Frederike Reinermann Leuphana University Lüneburg
23 Megan Warner Arizona State University
22 Sara Ullström Lund University
21 Doris Fuchs University of Muenster
20 Tung-Hsing Hsiung National Taitung University
19 David Manuel Navarrete ASU
18 Byoung-gyu Gong Arizona State University
17 Janna Goebel Arizona State University
16 Hayley Singer University of Melbourne
15 Camilla Addey Autonomous University of Barcelona
14 Ketevan Chachkhiani Arizona State University
13 Ronald Glass University of California Santa Cruz
12 Frank Adamson California State University Sacramento
11 Robyn Read University of Toronto
10 Keti Tsotniashvili Arizona State university
9 Rebecca Tarlau Pennsylvania State University
8 Kara Brown University of South Carolina
7 Hakim Mohandas Amani Williams Gettysburg College
6 Jen Holguin Homeschool Teacher
5 Supriya Baily George Mason University
4 Anne Campbell Middlebury Institute of International Studies
3 Jiangduo Chen University of Florida
2 Margarita pivovarova arizona state university
1 Ann Nielsen Arizona state university

initial signatories

Jill Adler

University of the Witswatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

German Alvarez

Departamento de Investigaciones Educativas CINVESTAV – IPN, México

Manisha Anantharaman

St Mary’s College, USA

Gary L. Anderson

New York University, USA

Arjun Appadurai

New York University, USA

Michael Apple

University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

Cecilia Åsberg

Linköping University, Sweden

Beatrice Avalos Davidson

Universidad de Chile, Chile

Stephen Ball

University College London, UK

Phil Bamber

Liverpool Hope University, UK

Matthias Barth

Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Deutschland

Stefan Baumann

Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich, Switzerland

Cathy Beach

A Kids’ Guide to Canada, Canada

Jason Beech

Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina

Aaron Benavot

University of Albany, SUNY, New York, USA

David Berliner

Arizona State University, USA

Andrés Bernasconi

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile

Mindy Blaise

Edith Cowan University, Australia

Christopher Boone

Arizona State University, USA

Wil Brehm

Waseda University, Japan

Halina Brown

Clark University, USA

Michael Burawoy

University of California, Berkeley, USA

Erica Burman

The University of Manchester, UK

Paul R. Carr

Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada

Pam Christie

University of Cape Town, South Africa

Raewyn Connell

The University of Sydney, Australia

Gerry Connelly

York University, Canada

Joe Culhane

Portland Community College, USA

Pamela Curtin

Lancaster University, UK

Aklilu Dalelo

Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia

Rico Defila

Universität Basel, Switzerland

Elizabeth De Freitas

Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Mathias Demetriades

Den Globala Skolan/Universitets- och Högskolerådet, Sverige

Antonietta Di Giulio

Universität Basel, Switzerland

Donald A. Dippo

York University, Canada

Jana Dlouhá

Univerzita Karlova, Czech Republic

Jen Dollin

RCE Greater Western Sydney, Australia

Thom van Dooren

University of Sydney, Australia

Lorna Down

The University of the West Indies at Mona, Jamaica

Inés Dussel

Departamento de Investigaciones Educativas CINVESTAV – IPN, México

David Edwards

Education International, Belgium

Ong Eng Tek

Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia

Jo-Anne Ferreira 

The University of the West Indies at St Augustine, Jamaica

Daniel Fischer

Arizona State University, USA

Gustavo Fischman

Arizona State University, USA

Hiroki Fujii

岡山大学 / Okayama University, Japan

Jim Gear


Susan Gesner

GAEL, Canada

Katherine Gibson

Western Sydney University, Australia

Libby Giles

New Zealand Association of Philosophy Teachers

William Goddard

University of Greenwich, UK

Juan Miguel González Velasco

Universidad Mayor de San Andres, Bolivia

Lin Goodwin

Teachers College, Columbia University, USA & The University of Hong Kong

Noel Gough

La Trobe University, Australia

Andréa Gouveia

Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brasil

Donna Haraway

University of California, Santa Cruz, USA

Mira Hird

Queens University, Ontario, CA

Charles A. Hopkins

York University, Canada

Tung-Hsing Hsiung


David Hursch

University of Rochester, USA

Maria de Ibarrola

Departamento de Investigaciones Educativas CINVESTAV – IPN, México

Hilary Inwood

University of Toronto, Canada

Alfredo Jornet

Universitetet i Oslo, Norge

Takehiko Kariya

University of Oxford, UK

Douglas D. Karrow

Brock University, Canada

Noah Karvelis

Former Arizona #RedForEd organizer and University of Wisconsin-Madison

Yuto Kitamura

University of Tokyo, Japan

Takeshi Kitazawa

Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan

Katrin Kohl

German Commission for UNESCO, Germany

Hikaru Komatsu

Kyoto University, Japan

Richard Kool

Royal Roads University, Canada

Ole Andreas Kvamme

Universitetet i Oslo, Norge

Barry Law

Otago Polytechnic and Untouched World Foundation, New Zealand

Un Leang


Barbara Leckie

Carleton University, Canada

Keith Lewin

University of Sussex, UK

Detlev Lindau-Bank

Universität Vechta, Germany

Bob Lingard

Australian Catholic University and the University of Queensland, Australia

Gustavo Lopez Ospina

UNESCO Office Quito, Ecuador

Geovana Lunardi

Universidade Estadual de Santa Catarina, Brasil

Antonio Luzón

Universidad de Granada, España

Basil Manuel

National Professional Teachers’ Organization of South Africa, South Africa

Michela Mayer

Italian Association for Sustainability Science, Italy

Marcia McKenzie

University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Tristan McCowan

University College London, UK

Hugh McLean

Open Society Foundation, UK

Milton McClaren

Simon Fraser University and Royal Roads University, Canada

Mary Metcalfe

University of Johannesburg, South Africa

Gerd Michelsen

Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Deutschland

Zsuzsa Millei

Tampereen yliopisto, Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu, Suomi

Paul Morris

University College London, UK

Heinz-Dieter Meyer 

University of Albany, SUNY, New York, USA

Jordan Naidoo

UNESCO, France

Robbie Nicol

University of Edinburgh, UK

Kai Niebert

Universität Zürich, Switzerland

Antonio Novoa

University of Lisbon, Portugal

David Orr

Oberlin College, USA

Mary Otieno

Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya

Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw

Western University, Canada

Phillip G Payne

Monash University, Australia

Roger Petry

RCE Saskatchewan and University of Regina, Canada

Oren Pizmony-Levy

Teachers College, Columbia University, USA

Damjana Potočnik

The Learning Teacher Network, Slovenia

Peter Posch

Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria

Jeremy Rappleye

Kyoto University, Japan

Baela Raza Jamil

Idara-e- Taleem-o-Aagahi Centre of Education and Consciousness, Pakistan پاکستان۔

Dzulkifli Abdul Razak

International Islamic University of Malaysia, Malaysia

Jenny Ritchie

Te Whare Wānanga o te Ūpoko o te Ika – Victoria University of Wellington, NZ

Jessica Ringrose

University College London, UK

Fazal Rizvi

University Melbourne, Australia

Libby Robin

Australian National University, Australia

Debra Rowe

Oakland Community College, USA

Elaine Rubinoff

Learning for a Sustainable Future, Canada

Connie Russell

Lakehead University, Canada

Sandra Sales

Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Ilga Salīte

Daugavpils Universitāte, Latvija

Mirriam Sampa-Moonga

University of Zambia, Zambia

Craig N. Shealy

James Madison University, USA

Ulf Schrader

Technische Universität Berlin, Deutschland

Pamela Schwartzberg

Learning for a Sustainable Future, Canada

Iveta Silova

Arizona State University, USA

John Siraj-Blatchford

University of Plymouth, UK

Christine Stayte

San Silvestre School, Peru

Kim Smith

Greater Portland Sustainability Education Network, USA

Faye Snodgress

Kappa Delta Phi, USA

Noah Sobe

Loyola University Chicago, USA

Margaret Somerville

University of Notre Dame, Australia

Stephen Sterling

University of Plymouth, UK

Martin Storcksdiek

Oregon State, USA

Beth Blue Swadener

Arizona State University, USA

Keita Takayama


Affrica Taylor

University of Canberra, Australia

Kariya Takehiko

University of Oxford, UK

Mark Terry

York University, Canada

Victoria Thoresen

Høgskolen i Innlandet, Norge

Leon Tikly

University of Bristol, UK

Shepherd Urenje

Uppsala University, Sweden

Philip Vergragt

Tellus Institute, USA

Arnd Wächter

Crossing Borders Education, USA

Reinhold Wagnleitner

Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg, Austria

Arjen Wals

Wageningen University and Research Centre, Nederland

Christine Wamsler

Lunds Universitet, Sverige

Joel Westheimer

University of Ottawa, Canada

David Blake Willis

Fielding Graduate University, USA

John Willinsky

Stanford University, USA

Antonia Wulff

Education International (EI), Belgium

Shoko Yamada


Jonathan Yee

RCE Saskatchewan, Canada

Atsufumi Yokoi

岡山大学, 日本

David Zandvliet

Simon Fraser University, Canada

Michalinos Zembylas

Ανοιχτό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Κύπρος


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